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configuration variables

general configuration variables


A string that is either a Python log configuration or a path to the configuration file

Default: logconfig=None


If set to True, invoking the app will not start the web server – it will just execute any given command line arguments and exit. Equivalent to the --exit command line option.

Default: False


Directory where temporary files and directories are created.

Default: work_dir="vesper_work"


A dictionary of stores, whose keys are the names of the store and values are dictionaries containing the datastore configuration settings for that store.

If more than one store is specified, a default store must be indicated, in one of two ways: either by naming the store “default” or by including a “default_store” setting in the stores’ dictionary of configuration settings.

If stores is set, then other datastore configuration settings are ignored.

Example: stores = {'config': {'storage_path': 'config.json'}, 'data': {'storage_path': 'data.json', 'default_store': True}}


A dictionary containing datastore configuration settings that are applied to each store defined in the configuration. Any other datastore settings override the settings here. If the value of the settings is another dictionary of settings (e.g. model_options) those dictionaries are merged recursively.

Example storeDefaults = {'model_options': {'serializeOptions': {'pjson': 'omitEmbeddedIds': True}}}


If True will use interprocess file lock when committing a transaction. Alternately use_file_lock can be a reference to a class or factory function that conforms to the glock.LockFile interface.

Default is False

use_file_lock=True #enable


The path name for the lock file. If file_lock_path is not set, a path name is generated using the os’s temp directory and a file name based on a hash of the model_resource_uri (this is to ensure that any process opening the same datastore will share the same lock file).


datastore configuration variables

These configuration variables can be specified either directly in the configuration (if configuring only one store) or in each store in the stores configuration. They can also appear in the storeDefaults dictionary.


The class or factory function called to instantiate the application’s primary data store It is passed as keyword arguments the dictionary of the variables contained in the config file note that this is a callable object which may need to be imported into the config file

Default: vesper.DataStore.BasicDataStore


The resource that represents the model this instance of the application is running.

Default: ‘http://‘ + socket.getfqdn() + ‘/’

Example: model_uri=''


A pseudo-URL that describes the connection to the data store. Todo: document how this overrides storage_path and modelFactory

Default: storage_url='mem:

The location of the store. Usually a file path but the appropriate value depends on ‘modelFactory’ default is ‘’ storage_path = ‘mywebsite.json’

The path of the transaction log. The transaction log records in NTriples format a log of the statements added and removed from the model along with comments on when and by whom. If the value is True, a file path is created by appending “.log.nt” to storeage_path.

default is False (no transaction log)

Example: transaction_log='/logs/auditTrail.log.nt'


A string that is used as the initial data when creating a new store (which happens when the file specified by storage_path is not found)

storage_template=’‘’{ “id”: “1”, “content”: “hello world” } ‘’‘

Path to a file that will be used as the storage_template.

The class or factory function used by RxPathDomStore to load or create a new RDF document or database note that this is a callable object which may need to be imported into the config file

default is RxPath.IncrementalNTriplesFileModel



The location of a separate RDF model for storing the history of changes to the database. Usually a file path but the appropriate value depends on ‘version_model_factory’

default is ‘’ (history not stored separately)

version_storage_path = ‘mywebsite.history.nt’


The class or factory function used by RxPathDomStore to load or create the version history RDF database #note that this is a callable object which may need to be imported into the config file

default is whatever ‘model_factory’ is set to


Default: save_history = False
Default: storage_template_options=None
Default: model_options=None
Default: trunk_id = '0A'
Default: branch_id = None
Default: replication_hosts = None
Default: replication_channel = None
Default: send_stomp_ack = True

web configuration variables

Default: port=8000

The Python class (or callable object) of the WSGI server that is instantiated when the app is started

Default: httpserver=wsgiref.simple_server


A WSGI middleware Python class or callable object which, if specified, will be instantiated with the Vesper WSGI app (wrapping it).

Default: wsgi_middleware=None

Example: import firepython.middleware; wsgi_middleware = firepython.middleware.FirePythonWSGI

Any HTTP requests made are saved to a file. They can be played-back using the debug_filename option.
If specified, the given file containing a history of requests recorded by record_requests is played back before starting the server.

A string or list specifying the directories that will be searched when resolving static URLs

Default: the current working directory of the process running the app

Example: static_path = 'static'


A string or list specifying the directories that will be searched when resolving Mako templates.

Default: the current working directory of the process running the app

Example: template_path = 'templates'


The name of the page to be invoke if the request URL doesn’t include a path e.g. is equivalent to

default is: ‘index.html’


The MIME type sent on any request that doesn’t set its own mimetype and the app can’t guess its MIME type default is ‘’ (not set) default_mime_type=’text/plain’
What to do about Expires HTTP response header if it hasn’t already set by the application. If it’s value is 0 or None the header will not be sent, otherwise the value is the number of seconds in the future that responses should expire. To indicate that they already expired set it to -1; to indicate that they never expires set it to 31536000 (1 year). default is 3600 (1 hour) default_expires_in = 0 #disable setting the Expires header by default

If True, If-None-Match request headers are honors and an etag based on a MD5 hash of the response content will be set with every response

default is True use_etags = False #disable


Specifies the directory where the mako templates are compiled. This property sets the module_directory parameter in the mako.lookup.TemplateLookup constructor.

Default is “work_dir/mako_module” where work_dir is that given configuration value.


This setting is a dictionary that contains keyword arguments for the mako.lookup.TemplateLookup constructor used when initializing the template engine. Keys in this dictionary override the default values for that parameter.

Default is {}


Limits URLs access to only the directories reachable through static_path or templates_path

default is True

secure_file_access = True

configuration variables for command line handling

List of arguments to be passed to ‘run-cmds’ action. By default this will be set with any command line argument that wasn’t applied to a built-in command option.

A function called during command line processing at startup. It takes two arguments: the AppConfig object and the list of command arguments (excluding any arguments applied to built-in command options). Returns a list of arguments to be applied as config settings and set as cmd_args if cmd_args is not set.

Default: lambda app, args: args


Command usage string

Default: “%prog [options] [settings]”


Help text appended to command line help message (invoked by -h or –help)

Default: “Settings:n–[name]=VALUE Add [name] to config settings”

advanced configuration variables


A short name for this application, must be unique within the current process

Default: “root”

Example: app_name = 'root'

The dictionary that defines the Actions the app should use. The key is the name of the trigger and the value is a list of Actions that are invoked in that order. Vesper currently uses these triggers:
  • ‘http-request’ is invoked by HTTPRequestProcessor.handleHTTPRequest
  • ‘load-model’ is invoked on start-up after the app’s stores have been initialized
  • ‘run-cmds’ is invoked on start-up (after ‘load-model’) to handle command line arguements
  • ‘before-add’ and ‘before-remove’ is invoked when data is added or removed from a store
  • ‘before-new’ is invoked when a new resource is added to a store
  • ‘before-commit’ is invoked at the end of a transaction but trigger still has a chance to modify it
  • ‘finalize-commit’ is invoked after all transaction participants have successfully prepared to commit, one last chance to abort about the transaction
  • ‘after-commit’ is invoked after a transaction has completed successfully
  • ‘after-abort’ is invoked after a transaction was aborted
  • triggerName + ‘-error’ is invoked when an exception is raised while processing a trigger (e.g. the http-request-error trigger is invoked if an error occurs while running the http-request trigger).

Used by Requestor objects as the trigger to use to invoke a request default is ‘http-request’.

Example: default_trigger='http-request'


A list of request metadata variables that should be preserved when invoking callActions() (e.g. to invoke templates or an error handler) default is [] (but will always adds the following: ‘_name’, ‘_noErrorHandling’, ‘__current-transaction’, and ‘__readOnly’)

Example: global_request_vars = [ '__account', '_static']

A function that is called to retrieve the application-specific Principal (in the security sense) object for the current request context. It takes one argument that is the dictionary of metadata for the current request default: lambda kw: ‘’ get_principal_func = lambda kw: kw.get(‘__account’,’‘)

A function that is called when receiving an external request (e.g. an http request) It is called before invoking runActions(). Use it to make sure the request doesn’t contain metadata that could dangerously confuse request processing. Its signature looks like: def validate_external_request(kw) where kw is the request metadata dictionary (which can be modified if necessary). It should raise if the request should not be processed.

default is lambda *args: True


Sets the maximum number of items to be stored in the Action cache. Set to 0 to disable.

default is 0
